An old 18th century’s mansion
Bricks, stone and old beams, this former 18th-century mansion opens its heavy doors to a maze of small, tastefully refurbished rooms. We meander here with delight, from treasures to surprises, we get lost, but we discover great things: that of Heritage and contemporary creation from all walks of life
A community café set up in the heart of the building or in a small intimate and sheltered garden.
The Delplace and Jover workshop:
In one of the wings of this splendid vessel, upstairs, you can also discover an exceptional haute couture workshop where the expert hands of Yannick (plumassier) and Nicolas (embroiderer), work daily on the most sumptuous creations.
The Association De Soie d’Or et d’Argent:
With the aim of promoting the arts of yarn, the association regularly organizes embroidery and lace workshops … In the heart of summer, workshops-coffee and knitting-tea take place in the garden of the Gramont house; in winter, Christmas decoration workshops delight everyone. Finally, the association organizes a Biennial around the thread which welcomes many people at each edition.
The summer exhibitions of the Departmental Archives of Aude:
These exhibitions, open at the entrance to Maison Gramont in a dedicated space, offer a particular and documented look at a section of departmental history, from July 5 to September 5.


Jover and Delplace featherwork and embroidery workshop:
Visit on request by calling
Tel : +33 (0)6 84 96 49 66 ou +33 (0)6 76 20 75 90
Further information at : Soiephemere

International exhibition of the Art & Cultures Association & Café associatif (community café)
From the 3rd weekend in June to the 3rd weekend in September
Admission free daily from 3 pm to 6.30 pm
Further information at
The Association Arts et Culture program